(The Bee or the Hive)

By Linda Jackson
949 631-7944


     The curious little Gemini brain can’t stop thinking.  The one side is the creative genius (Albert Einstein) The other side might create mischief (Marilyn Monroe) they usually only get into trouble if they are bored, because nothing is worse than boring.  Keeping their minds busy isn’t an option it is a necessity for them.  They can be a Happy busy bees or a hornets nest.  One generates lots of honey the other a sting.

    They usually have two careers, or speak two languages, or have two kids or houses.  Multiples’ work better for them.  One is just too easy or boring.  Remember the old saying curiosity killed the cat.  Well the bright eyed and bushy tailed Gemini is what that saying was made for. 
If they are middle age their problems are more behind them than in front of them because they weathered the transit of Pluto.  If they are young they will have some interesting changes coming, No Matter what it won’t be boring.


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