That Just Doesn't Work For Me (Smile)

Star Bright by Linda JacksonStar Bright



Would it surprise you to know that the people who CAN say NO are happier, healthier, appreciated, successful, are treated better & live longer. People who CAN'T say NO are criticized, unappreciated, get sick die younger.

I hear people say "Well that's just the way I am, I'm a giver. When actually saying yes is just a bad habit, like smoking, drinking, drugs, it can kill you, (if you're doing too much for others) your body will get sick and say NO for you. Resentment is your body saying STOP IT YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM (not the solution). Wanting people to think you are nice gives people control over you and what you do. When you don"t care what people think, (free at last) they can't control you anymore.

Some people are very good at getting you to do things FOR THEM. They get mad or hurt (if you don't) give you a sob (play on your guilt) catch you off guard. Anytime you try to fix someone elses problems their problems will become yours & they will have the same problem again until (they learn) not to do what is causing it. Especially with family. Putting a band-aid on a bleeding problem when it needs a tourniquet.

If people can't afford something then they have to change their life style until they can. Don't give someone your credit, if they don't have it they don't deseve it yours No one is entitled to take what you have earned.

A Magical way of saying NO is to smile really big & say "you know that just doesn't work for me (because it doesn't) No explanation.



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