The Bark or the Bite

By Linda Jackson
949 631-7944


The cute little Leo Struts when they walk.  They don’t call a Lyons family a pride for nothing. A little impatient because most things & people aren’t moving quite fast enough for the fire sign.  So you may feel a little winded trying to keep up with what they think is normal.
Leos are very into how they look and the appearance of who ever they are with is important.  Maybe it is because they were meant to be on stage & always are, in one way or another. It is more a part of the male personality to Sing what I call “The Mexican opera” I, I, I, Me, Me, Me. While the lioness is tending the pride.
Leos’ can have a temper but usually their bark is worse than their bite. They lick their own wounds and get over it.  Admiration is the key to stealing their heart and trust is the way to keep it. They usually have a big smile and a mane of hair to match.   
 No hard aspects as a group for the next ten years.  Just the normal stuff we all can get hit with once while in their natal charts.

 So it is a good year to slow down & be happy 



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