The Truth

By Linda Jackson    
949 631-7944


        God Made Sagittarius to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  I remember a little boy who walked in my house and said “that is a really ugly picture”.  No malice intended just blunt force honesty. Like a child it never occurs to them that people really don’t always want or “can’t handle the truth.” The problem is if they don’t say how they feel they can get sick, so you have to learn to live with it, if you want to live with them. Not that they can’t tell an occasional lie, but it really takes too much energy that they would rather spend doing something else.

          The ruler of there sign is Jupiter so they have illusions of being able to do it all. Work, play, help, study, drink, gamble, love, learn.  They burn the candle at both ends. Like white water rafting down the river of denial until they flip over and are forced to stop and take a break.

          My daughter is a Sagittarius.  I call her bubbles, happy as a lark until it burst.  I said I wanted a little girl just like me and I got one.  Every mistake I made she did. Eventually she started to notice every thing she ever criticized me for she  ended up doing herself. Now she just says, “Good job Mom”.

          One of my x husbands is a Sagittarius.  He smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and drank like a fish even after he came down with cancer and they gave him six months to live. So we did a spiritual healing. That was 37 years ago and he  is still alive. (Still smoking) go figure.  A spiritual sign they can be great healers. Even for them selves. Thank God.


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