Star Bright Star Bright



By Linda Jackson

I remember having a question that no one had the answer to. I was trying to mend a broken heart and wondering how someone you loved could be taken away from you. Not by death, but from anger, disappointment, disagreement, resentment, jealously, betrayal, etc. An invisible force there was no control over. That’s when I met George, my second husband, the doctor.

George spoke in a different language. He said, “Remember the magic book of numbers. The key to the universe is in the book of numbers. Remember your lucky number is four. Whenever you have to pick a number always pick the number four and Santa Claus will come and drop presents from the blind side. Because nothing comes from a hundred degree angle. It comes from a twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety but never from a hundred-degree angle. So always pick the number four.

I had a dream that night and saw these planets connected by a line from one to another swirling around and wondered where they came from. The next day George handed me a book. When I opened it there were the planets.

The book was SYNERGETICS by Buckminster Fuller he was the man who invented the geometric dome. It was a book of numbers, eight hundred seventy six pages of them.George told me it worked on a sub conscious level and as I read the book the answer to my question would pop into my head. So I started reading. The answer came on page 173.

Love is the connection, invisible and omnipresent. Whenever there is an imbalance of power between two people the cosmos blast them apart, to create a balance in the universe, they are still connected on an invisible level regardless of time or intent. We are all connected.

An example of that came when I was going through a difficult time and got a check for $10,000.00 from my ex-husband, Bob, for ten years back child support. He had no conscious knowledge of my problem or desire to help me, but that old invisible line of love did.

Your lucky number is four
Remember when you truly do something FOR another, Santa Claus always drops presents in from the blind side when you least expect it.

Only the ego is afraid to fail, the soul never loses



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