The ConmanStar Bright

Without Conscience

by Linda Jackson

sssssWould it surprise you to know that the most charming, mesmerizing person you could meet might be a psychopath, born with no conscience. Who’s only goal in life is self-gratification (at the expense of others) - all others, including you.

 Possible good looks, a winning smile, captivating body language, a powerful presence, soothing voice, or fast talker.  All can blind us to his or her true intentions.  They put their best foot forward in the beginning, overwhelm you with flattery, present a picture of virtue, and tell you stories about their social or financial status, always painting a beautiful picture of themselves and a bad one of others (except you, you’re wonderful).                                                         

Their true intent is to take whatever you have - money, sex, possessions, connections.  Then they disappear and avoid you. You would see the trail of broken hearts, empty pockets, shattered dreams, ruined lives behind them, if you looked, but by then it is too late. They will be on to the next victim, leaving you to wonder what you did wrong.

         Good people are rarely suspicious. They can’t imagine others doing things they themselves are not capable of.

 Opening your Eyes

1. If you’re getting too many compliments from someone. compliments are like the sun (too much) means you’re getting burned.

2. If you need lots of excitement, lots of fun, lots of money, you are a potential victim. Looking for normal doesn’t cause problems.

3. If someone is dangling a carrot at the end of a string, promising lots of things (you won’t receive). They give a dime to get the dollar.

4. A fast moving man always has a mob chasing them.

5. Only a liar gets angry when questioned

6. Their needing your temporary help becomes your permanent problem

7. Don’t blame yourself for their attitude - that is their escape plan.

  The safest thing to answer when somebody asks you for something is “that doesn’t work for me”. With no other explanation. 

  Focusing on others needs (which is their plan) keeps you from thinking about yourself and that leaves you at the end of the line along with the rest of the suckers in their past.




Please feel free to contact me or Send e-mail to lindapsychic@yahoo.comStar Bright