
An Act Of Faith
By Linda Jackson
949 631-7944


Love is a religious experience. You’re believing in something you can’t see, just like people believing in God. It is an act of faith. The trouble is after you have been hurt by someone you loved, it is easy to loose faith in yourself, members the opposite sex and God. The thing to remember is the universe never takes love away. It may take a person a out who is not being loving, but not love.

No sense in beating up yourself for something not working out like you thought it should, the universe just did you a favor. Open up your thoughts in the direction of waiting with anticipation of good and better coming to you. Not worse or nothing.

Worry is the opposite of faith, so is not going out. Standing up, getting dressed and going out the door is an act of faith, your telling the universe you believe there is a good person out there who you could like and who would like you. Sitting home and watching T.V. is saying I don’t have any faith. Going out is believing and you don’t have to go to church to believe.

Getting something physical in you life requires you doing something physical like getting out of the house where you can socialize or going on the internet. Opening a door is an act of faith in yourself that you are worth being loved and appreciated. Take yourself out. Then you’ll always have a date with destiny.

Only the ego is afraid to fail, the soul never loses



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