Aquarius (Interesting)
 Unique or the Mad Monk

By Linda Jackson   
949 631-7944


There are two kinds of Aquarius.  One likes hibernating and keeping to them selves, is serious, a little aloof, & is stable (Saturn ruler).   The other is off the wall, out there, a people person & unpredictable (Uranus ruler.)  I am an Aquarian.  Guess which one?
 Aquarius don’t like to be told what to do, most of the time they will do the exact opposite.  My mother told me to quite school (I graduated).  My husband told me to gain weight (I lost 100 pounds.) Another husband told me to loose weight, (so I gained 60 pounds).

All of the planets go clock wise.  The ruler of Aquarius goes counter clockwise.  They are unpredictable, impulsive, and love unusual things and people;  Normal is rarely used when describing an Aquarius, different is. They like helping people. Not usually materially minded, but will fight for what they think is an injustice, to the bitter end. You don’t want to get in a fight with one. They will out last you (unless you are a Scorpio).
Aquarians are tough and usually drive their kids or mates nuts. Don’t ever pull the plug on an Aquarius they will live just to spite your ass...  They have mystical powers from a past life; their favorite words are “you know”, (because they want to). They are the strongest AIR sign there is (they think better outside the box) than in one.




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