Plugging In (I Love You)

Star Bright by Linda JacksonStar Bright



Anger at anybody sure can make the shit hit the fan and splatter all over the universe. Love is blind and so is hate. In either state you’ve lost (sight) of your true (self) All you can see is that other person, whether they are there or not. So you are connected and communicating with their spirit clearly or negatively. One puts a smile on your face, the other a frown.

I remember once I was madly in love with some man who and was out with another woman. I as home getting drunk and writing a letter to him. That night he heard my voice wake him up out of a sound sleep three different times Saying "I love you". Being a total non-believer in anything he called the next morning and asked if I was doing some weird meditation or something. I told him no I had passed out, but I was glad my spirit had carried on without me. Years later when I needed to, without a clue or directions I went straight to the same man, who was hiding in a strange town and served him with our divorce papers.

An invisible electrical current ties all people to each other. When you are happy, you draw fun people. When your pissed off, it comes right back too you. If you’re looking for a rich husband you’ll draw some guy who’s looking for a rich wife.

Saying "I love you" to people’s spirit clears the line of miscommunication in your personal life. Let go your problems when you go to bed and say "I love you" to the spirit of all your enemies and watch them disappear. "I love you" to your family and watch them reappear. "I love you" to the ones who have passed on and feel their relief in your own chest. "I love you" is the extension cord to the world. God only disconnects a person out of your if there is too much static on the line.

Court is one of those special problems. You’ve entered the gates of hell till it is over. It comes from a bad connection.



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