The Listener

Star Bright by Linda JacksonStar Bright



You are pure spirit, you always have been, and you always will be. Your spirit knows the answer to your problems, and even now the answers are speeding their way to you. You needn’t struggle for them; you needn’t worry or strive for them. The answers will come to you. Everything in life that you need for your work and fulfillment will come to you.

You have some sympathy and understanding for all things and all people. In your brother’s eye there is your own soul. In your friends smile there is your own humor. In your neighbor’s sorrow there is your own loss. Your life is striving for understanding of itself. Mistakes are simply progress towards truth. Each moment of each day brings you life closer to realization.

All of life exists within you. The purpose in life is to expand in knowledge and love and unity. God knows how to bring things about. Every circumstance that comes your way is part of a perfect plan to convert the image of your faith into physical reality.

The answer comes with the question; the path is lighted with the first step; the way is cleared with the looking; the goal is in sight with the desire. By attaining, you do not deprive. All that is and ever will be is available to each person. The limits and inhibitions of your past are gone. Each day is a new birth of your soul. Each step is a journey to your oneness with God. You do not seek, you know, you do not strive, you are guided. You are one with all truth, all beauty, all justice, all love.

Each man is your brother, bond to you by immortal and everlasting ties. You let go of fear and confusion; they are illusions and cannot live with truth, which is love, which is complete and fulfilled in you now. Only the good, the significant, and the constructive do you add unto yourself. The surging desire of people is to know the fulfillment of love. The way to this fulfillment is through contact with the center of consciousness, through communion with the silent dweller within. You are united with God, move with God, you are serene, sure, joyful and achieving, confident of ultimate splendor. There is no separation; there is no isolation.

Your goals will be delivered to you for the will be the goals of god who never fails. Your problems are temporary. Undesirable circumstances are part of a perfect plan on the road to your true destination and not your final reality. Which is love, that is guiding, moves, surrounds and is lifting you now.



Please feel free to contact me or Send e-mail to LindaStar Bright

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