The Perfect

By Linda Jackson  
949 631-7944

 The word for Virgos is perfect.  Not that they are, but that they are trying to be.  Isn’t that a good thing and because they are trying to be, they come close.  Only they can drive other people nuts trying to fix everything and everyone around them (including themselves).

 I have the moon in Virgo so I have lots of their wonderful qualities (being organized, liking things in place and clean).  It is the little things that bother the Virgos. I remember looking at my husband and thinking why is he breathing like that or eating like that or wearing those socks with those shoes. I also remember him saying to me “you know Linda I am really trying to make you happy here, but unfortunately I believe I would need a personality transplant in order to do it.  He was right.  Three husbands later a rare thought occurred to me.  Maybe it’s me.  Most men just get on my nerves if they are around me all the time.  I just keep wishing they’d go home. Unfortunately they are.

One of the things you will Never see in any book is how (intuitive) they are.  They sense things, know things, (they just don’t talk about it), because they don’t want people to think they are nuts. Making sense is real important in their world. So when you tell them “worry is the opposite of faith”, they start working on it.

 The Virgos look younger than their years because they (usually) take care of themselves. They can become obsessed on their own health and become a hypochondriac. Remember their favorite word is perfect and you have to love their intentions.  Even if they do pick flies out of horseshit once in a while.



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