Retrogrades Planets



Every three months, for a period of three weeks, Mercury goes though its retrograde period. What’s happening is that the earth is moving either faster or slower than another planet. That’s retrograde. Since we would have to look behind us to see it. We refer to it as retrograde.

Communication Breakdowns

All types of communications become confused, delayed or misunderstood- letters are lost. Computers screw up. Not a good time to work on them. If we sign a contract or agreement we find out later that we didn’t have all the correct information and what we signed was misleading or not written correctly.

Legal Woes

If you initiate a legal action when Mercury is retrograde you end up loosing (regardless of the facts) if you go to court while Mercury is retrograde you get the opposite of the desired result. On the other hand if someone initiates against you with Mercury Retrograde, put on your party hat the odds are on your side.

Third Time is the Charm

We can try and reach some by phone, get your car fixed, Go to a store for something and it usually takes three times to get it done. One week before it is officially retrograde it takes two times to get it done. It doesn’t mean it is impossible to accomplish things. It just takes longer.

Remember it is No Ones Fault

The thing to always remember is not to take a self righteous position. It isn’t their fault or yours. If you breakup, you end up going back together. The position to take is a no fault one.

Other Planets

As for other planets, they work the same way. Venus- relationships and money matters are delayed or muttled. With Mars actions initiated are often rooted in confusion or end up at cross-purposes to our original intentions. Typically the aggressor or initiator of a battle is defeated with Mars Retrograde.

Also the two week period between a solar & lunar eclipse reacts like Mercury Retrograde.



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